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Our Community Partners

Parent Organization

Our school is blessed by the involvement of our parents and families. Because of our smaller size, individual parents can make a meaningful impact on our students’ school experience. We meet each semester to discuss upcoming events and organize volunteer teams to coordinate with staff efforts.

All parents are invited to be involved. If you are not receiving email notification of meetings, click here to contact the office.

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Documents and Links

Our relationship with your family begins with your educational consultation with our principal where we start to learn about each other. You can also tour the school, meet the teacher, and ask questions.

When you are ready to apply for enrollment, please click on the FACTS link below and fill out the required information.

Additionally those applying for kindergarten and above will enjoy a “GraceWay for a Day” visit in our classrooms, experiencing a preview of life on our tree-lined campus. During this visit, potential students will also be assessed to determine their reading, writing, and math competency.

Financial assistance is available through a variety of scholarships to help our students. These scholarships allow you to have a choice for your child! Click on the links below to find out more about each one.

What is accreditation?

Essentially, accreditation is a form of quality control through oversight by an outside organization that ensures that high standards in academics and Christian leadership are met. As a result, GraceWay is in a continual process of evaluation and improvement for the benefit of our students and families.

We are accredited by the League of Christian Schools via its local organization, the Florida League of Christian Schools (FLOCS).

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Take the First Step Toward A Faith-Filled Education

“Show me Your Way that I may know You and find Grace in Your sight.” Exodus 33:13

School-Wide Behavior Expectations


How Do We Stay


How Do We Show


How Do We Take


Arrival & Departure

Always Walk

Keep hands to yourself

Sit until you are called

Use Quiet Voices

Report to door when your name is called

Report inappropriate behavior to an adult


Use material appropriately

Always Walk

Ask to leave classroom

Use Classroom Voice

Follow directions from adult

Listen when others talk

Use kind words

Use care of materials

Use time wisely

Complete work neatly

Observe deadlines for work

Put trash in trash can

Snack & Lunch

Sit while eating

Chew with mouth closed

Speak with mouth empty

Pack Healthy Foods

Put trash in trash can


Always Walk

Keep water in the sink

Keep hands to yourself

One person per stall

Flush when you're done

Keep toilet seat clean

Turn off water faucet

Allow for privacy in stall

Put paper towels in trach can

Report inappropriate behavior


Always Walk

Pass friends on the right

Stay with your class

Follow directions from adult

Use quiet voices

Keep hands to yourself

Pick up trash to throw away


Walk to/from the playground

Keep hands to yourself

Leave nature on the ground

Use kinds words

Line up when called

Include friends in games

Report inappropriate behavior

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have more questions feel free to contact us!
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New families will complete the FACTS link and meet with our principal. Potential students will participate in GraceWay for a Day, a one or two day visitation on campus, and a brief assessment to determine their reading, writing, and math competency.

Open enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is open January 22, 2024. Applications are then accepted through rolling admissions on a space-available basis. Educational consultations can be scheduled anytime. Our annual Art Show and Open House in the winter is a great event for new and returning families to attend.

Yes! There are many options for most families via Florida scholarship programs. GraceWay also offers in-house partial scholarship opportunities. Please click here to learn more
We enjoy the benefits of being a ministry of our affiliated church, Grace Presbyterian Church, which is part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Our school families are active in various Bible-based churches in Ocala. See About Us: Our Beliefs for more info.

Our Mission is: Preparing students for academic success while glorifying God through faith in action. One way that we live out our faith is to share it with others that they may come to love Jesus, too, and accept Him as their savior. Developing and strengthening our students’ faith is one of our favorite aspects of life at our school.

Our teachers integrate a biblical worldview into their teaching and make the most of teachable moments to help students connect the Bible to real life. All students have Bible class as a part of the curriculum. Family Chapel for all students is held each Friday.

For more information on our programs, please contact our office at (352) 629-4523
Programs offered are based on interest and minimum participation. For a small school, we have a robust offering of extracurriculars. For more information on our programs, please contact our office at (352) 629-4523

The double-edged sword of standardized testing. Schools that don’t use standardized testing have no idea how their students are growing compared to their regional and national peers. However, it is possible to over focus on standardized tests. At GraceWay, we test beginning in third grade as required by scholarship grantors and our accreditation. Test scores are used along side classroom grades and observations of learning behaviors to form the big picture of our students’ progress. We use MAP, Measures of Academic Progress, from NWEA.

Many families struggle to keep a balance in terms of how much technology their children are exposed to in today’s culture. We want technology to be meaningful and engaging – not just one or the other. Our students use technology in increasing increments as they grow older. Our youngest students may use a paint program to draw on a computer or the teacher may look up more information on a tablet about an animal they learned about that day. Our oldest students use laptops or Chromebooks for Google Classroom, math and grammar apps, to take book quizzes, and to create audio/visual presentations. Students in between have access to tablets and Chromebooks for age-appropriate learning applications. All kindergarten through middle school classes have SmartBoards for teacher and student use.

We are called by God to serve others. We view our work with our students as a service to God, and we want to encourage that spirit in them as well. Every year we have service projects such as caroling at assisted living residences, conducting food or toiletry drives for The Genesis 7 Project, dry goods drives for a local foster parent organization, Operation Christmas Child, write letters to service men and women, and various supply drives for hurricane victims.

Preschool: Please read with your child daily. This is an important part of their kindergarten readiness.

Kindergarten: Please read with your child daily. As their reading skills develop, they can read to you, or you can alternate who reads. Kinders may also have brief math practice or an occasional take-home project that may need minimal parent assistance in gathering materials or setting a time/place to work.

First through Fifth Grades: Your student should be reading every night according to the minimums set by their teacher. There should be brief math practice as well. Occasional take-home projects may be assigned that only need minimal parent assistance in gathering materials and setting a time/place to work. Younger students may need you to read through the directions with them. Older students may have literature or thematic studies to complete at home. Classwork not finished at school may be sent home to be completed for submission.

Middle School: As we prepare for high school, homework throughout middle school will increase to build stamina towards high school. Sixth graders will begin the year with homework similar to fifth grade and increase throughout the year to include more reading and writing, especially in science and social studies. Classwork not finished at school may be sent home to be completed for submission.

Get Started On Building Your Child's Future!